TCVM Equine Acupuncture
Availalbe via as housecall or barncall.
Service Description
Dr. Brown offers Equine TCVM services via her Housecall Practice at In Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine, the Jing Luo, or Meridians of the body, provide a pathway for which Qi, or life force energy, and blood circulate throughout the body. There are 12 Regular Meridians or Channels that connect with internal organs (Zang-fu), joints, limbs and body surfaces. This interconnectedness provides a diagnostic approach to equine musculoskeletal problems. Sensitivity at acupoints along the meridians can be correlated with discomfort at local and referred areas of the body. The Equine Diagnostic Scan can assist in detecting musculoskeletal problems for diagnosis and treatment.
Contact Details
+ 480-494-6034
Located in the SW Herb Shop and Gathering Place 145 North Center Street, Mesa, AZ, USA